Cosserat Rods with Projective Dynamics

ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation 2018
Carlota Soler, Tobias Martin, Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Derives Cosserat theory constraints for Projective Dynamics solver.
Extends standard PD with orientations as system variables and angular momentum preservation.
Simulates twisting and bending accurately based on Young's modulus, rod's radius and material density.
[ paper | supplemental | video | scholar]
Suture material simulation
Developed a novel real-time simulation method for soft body rods, combining
Projective Dynamics with Cosserat Theory at VirtaMed. Enhanced realism via varied rod materials and plastic deformation.
Patent application: Methods for realistic and efficient simulation of moving objects. CS ARASANZ, T Martin.
US Patent App. 17/592,937. Status: Patent pending.
Suture-tissue interactions
Research on real-time contact handling between sutures and soft bodies in computer graphics at VirtaMed.
Patent application: Methods for realistic and efficient simulation of moving objects. CS ARASANZ, T Martin.
US Patent App. 17/592,937. Status: Patent pending.
Suture simulation demo
Research on real-time contact handling between sutures and rigid bodies in computer graphics at VirtaMed.
Robotics simulation at VirtaMed
Lead developer for VirtaMed's suturing API.
Developed features used across multiple shipped products (puncturing, wound closure, soft body squeezing, knot tying).
Regular iteration with 3D artists, gameplay developers and stakeholders.
Shoulder RCR at VirtaMed
Research on suture physics simulation, integrated in VirtaMed's surgical simulators.
Regular iteration with 3D artists, gameplay developers and stakeholders to simulate Rotator Cuff Repair surgery in the shoulder.
Cosserat Rods with Projective Dynamics
September 2017
​Rod simulation with the Cosserat theory and projective dynamics solver.
​Master thesis at ETH Zürich.
C++, OpenGL, Mitsuba render (Individual)
Render implementation
January 2016
Features implemented: rough conductor and dielectric, subsurface scattering.
Final render implemented by 2 sutdents.
C++ and comparisons to Mitsuba render.

Interactive falling Jenga tower
January, 2017
Physics based simulation of colliding rigid bodies. Replacement of Unity´s physics engine by ours.
Unity, C# (3 students).
Simmetries of dance
February, 2017
Assesment of the correlation between body simmetry and performance while dancing.
Developed in Matlab.

Performance evaluation of a complex computer system
February, 2017
Build a multi-tier, distributed information system involving databases, networking, concurrent programming, and distributed systems.
Advanced Systems Lab, ETH Zürich.
Java, sockets, NIO.2.